Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gordes, girlfriends, and a baby girl!

Our big news is that Dominique is having a girl! This is very exciting for a couple of reasons. One, I am partial to little girls. Two the French baby clothes for girls are beautiful. They're also really expensive, so I may regret being so excited about it being a girl, but I doubt it.

Dominique and a girlfriend were here this past week for a short visit and so we decided to take a ride on Monday to visit the town of Gordes. This is one of the classic hilltop towns in Provence. The one that every tour visits. Good reason too. It is simply beautiful! Lucky for us, we are not far away and can go in off-season. We wandered slowly and were able to take in all of the details with no one else about. For example, look at the door below. It looks like a shadow, but the door is shaped like that to fit the rocks!

We had lunch at a cute little restaurant called Cannelle. It is small, bright and right in the middle of the village. for 15 Euros each we had salad, vegetable tart, dessert and a glass of local rosé. Delicious!

Sorry, I don't know how to put labels on the photos, but you can figure out which is which. ♥

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Slacker

I saw this term recently on my friend Christin's blog. She has an excuse. A baby. I have none, except that I am lazy. The thing is, that I live so far away from so many friends and relatives, that this seems the best way to keep in touch. So, here I go again. The goal is short entries, about everyday life, and to stay in touch, because I really do love and miss a lot of people! Don't get me wrong, I love my live here and wouldn't change it for anything. I just love and miss a lot people too.

The pale winter sun is shining on the mimosas that Pierre bought me for Valentine's Day. There were roses too, but they didn't last. Such a sweet man!